Media in Minutes

Lindsey Tramuta: Travel and Culture Journalist, Author and Podcast Host based in Paris

Angela Tuell Season 4 Episode 14

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In today’s episode, Lindsey Tramuta discusses how she found her niche as a freelance travel and culture writer, highlighting her passion for French culture. Lindsey focuses on stories that highlight the human element. As an author, Lindsey challenges the traditional stereotypes of the Parisian identify, providing a nuanced understanding of the city and its inhabitants.

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Angela Tuell:

Welcome to Media in Minutes. This is your host Angela Tuell. This podcast features in-depth interviews with those reports on the world around us. They share everything from their favorite stories to what happened behind the lens and give us a glimpse into their world. From our studio here at Communications Redefined, this is Media in Minutes. In today's episode, we are talking with travel and culture journalist, best selling author and podcaster Lindsey Tramuta. Lindsey has been based in Paris since 2006, and contributes regularly to the New York Times, Conde Naste Traveler, Eater, Bloomberg and many others. She is a best selling author, and host The New Paris podcast, now in its eighth season. Hi, Lindsey. How are things in Paris?

Lindsey Tramuta:

Hi, thanks for having me. They are good, but not very warm I have to say.

Angela Tuell:

That's a little disappointing, right?

Lindsey Tramuta:

It is. And all of Europe, or Western Europe, seems to be having kind of like a never ending cold spell. So you know, we're not alone. But Paris is still beautiful as I think you you saw not too long ago.

Angela Tuell:

Yes, recently. Yes, we'll talk about that just a little bit and hear about your fabulous food tours. And, you know, soon enough, it will be very hot, right? So you'll -

Lindsey Tramuta:

Yeah, we'll be boiling and complaining and, you know, reminiscing on the cooler days.

Angela Tuell:

Right, right. So I want to jump in and you know, usually like to start at the beginning. In doing research for this episode, I saw that you started your career working internal for brands on content and social media. So how did you go from that to being a journalist and author now?

Lindsey Tramuta:

Very good question. I fell into sort of brand work when I graduated from my master's program in Paris, mostly because I needed a job. And when I graduated, I studied communication. And when I graduated, it was the financial crisis. And so jobs were not very plentiful. And I ended up sort of pulling together through some some friends of my academic network, some opportunities, that wouldn't have been necessarily my first choice, but ended up you know, sort of being quite formative. So I worked in a, in a, in a startup, a fashion startup. And then I worked for a tech startup that plummeted as soon as Google changed its out, its algorithm. And then I had, because I had sort of announced on on social media at the time, when I got laid off, that I was, you know, available for opportunities. This was now in 2011. Some people I knew said, Hey, we actually need an English native, native English language writer at an ad agency. And so I thought, well, you know, what I'm, I'm, I'm playing around with blogging, I've been playing around with writing, but you know, I need something stable. So I ended up going four days a week, to BBDO, which is a, you know, a global advertising and digital marketing agency. And I spent nearly four years there working on a Proctor & Gamble brand. And they needed, you know, they needed an English writer, they needed someone who could do social strategy. And so I kind of found, I kind of stumbled my way in there. And then all the while on the side was freelance writing. So I had started pitching stories to, you know, Tea magazine, and Travel + Leisure and all these places, because, you know, I had Friday's off, so I could pursue some of these stories or even, you know, in the evenings after work, and, and that sort of became the thing on the hot, the side, the hustle. And at some point, I realized I wanted that to be my full time gig, or at least see if I could make it work. And so in 2015, I resigned. And I had that point, put together a book proposal, which became The New Paris, my first book. And, you know, by that point, it had been several years of freelancing. And so I, you know, I thought, look, there's a book that can pull together all of these changes I've seen in Paris, and no one has done it yet. So let me just try and it's good that I resigned sort of in anticipation of, maybe this thing getting picked up because it did and and I needed to get to work.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

So it's not it wasn't a linear experience. It wasn't how I imagined my career. And, you know, I had, I distinctly remember when I was young thinking to myself, how can anybody make a living off of writing?

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. Right?

Lindsey Tramuta:

And, and so it never seemed realistic to me. And in the end, that's what's happened.

Angela Tuell:

Yes, and you know, it all worked out so well, where the other job was more part-timeish, where you have the extra time to, you know, that just make that move right away and try to go, you know, full time freelance, but to slowly go into it which, which...

Lindsey Tramuta:

Absolutely, yeah, absolutely. And - You know, and it wasn't it wasn't seamless,

Angela Tuell:

Did you - you know, I, there were days that, you know, I clearly was taking on too much because I had that job. And I was busy all day. And then you know, I would write sometimes on my phone or in a notebook on the metro on the way home, you know, so. So in some ways, even though I really hated the commute that I had, because it was almost an hour from my apartment.

Lindsey Tramuta:

It ended up being kind of the entire reason

Angela Tuell:

Oh wow. I found bits of time to put together some ideas or put together pitches. Yeah.

Lindsey Tramuta:

Because, you know, otherwise, you're doing it at 9pm after you've had a bite to eat, and then you're ready to go to bed.

Angela Tuell:

Right. And your brains a little dead at that point, right?

Lindsey Tramuta:

Exactly. Exactly.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. So it was earlier as you as you sort of mentioned in your career when you moved to Paris almost 20 years ago, right?

Lindsey Tramuta:

Yeah, nearing 18 years.

Angela Tuell:

Okay. Okay. So why did you decide to make that move? You know, tell us a little bit about that.

Lindsey Tramuta:

So I studied a lot back to the academic thing. I studied French literature and linguistics, and that at the college level, but I had started learning French when I was about And, you know, I didn't want to be a teacher, I

Angela Tuell:

Right. 12 years old, and I just realized there was something about language learning that unlocked something in me, I think, that I found so transformative and empowering. knew that. But I thought, you know, what, I don't know where And so as I continued with the, with French studies, you know, you're not always taught in American schools, how you're it's going to lead me. But I kind of want to follow it supposed to, or what you can do with language. regardless. And so I studied French literature and linguistics at a college level, and then came to France, while you know, had I had an opportunity for summer to come and and do some, some classes and exploring and realize, like, Yeah, this is, this is really where I want to be. Wow.

Lindsey Tramuta:

So, you know, I ended up doing my last semester of undergraduate in Paris, and then basically never left. I mean, I got my diploma, but I didn't walk in my graduation. I just thought, Okay, this is this is where I need to try to build.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. Wow, that's great. What challenges did you face? You know, it seemed you were really positive, that's where you should be really passionate about it. But what challenges did you face with this kind of move?

Lindsey Tramuta:

Oh, my God, I mean, so many. Basically, you know, I couldn't get a job straight out of the gate, because while I only had a student visa, and that didn't give me the right to work, and no one really knew, you know, companies were like, what do we do with someone with a bachelor's?

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

So, you know, I ended up going to grad school, mostly, because that was my way to have more time here, and then get into the system and sort of figure out, you know, how I could maneuver and get a job in a place where, you know, at least in a corporate way, most people have advanced degrees. And so it ended up becoming sort of like the prerequisite. And then, you know, graduating during an economic stability that was definitely not on my bingo card. And, and it proved really, really, really complicated, because there were hiring freezes. And even where I interned for six months, you know, on day one, they were like, Don't get any ideas.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

You know, so I think it was, it was realizing that, you know, even when you follow protocol, whatever that looks like in whatever country, you know, there are other factors that may complicate things and, and so it really took me years to find my own way. And it wasn't until I got that sort of agency job really that I felt like I was on a path that could be sustainable, but even then, it was like, Oh, this could be fragile. I don't know. Let's just give it a shot.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. Were you always planning to stay this long? Did you think this is my place and I'm going to live here forever?

Lindsey Tramuta:

I did although, you know, I did end up getting married. So my husband's French and my cats are French.

Angela Tuell:

So now you're stuck.

Lindsey Tramuta:

So, yeah. No. And you know what this really feels like home. It did quickly, despite all the moments that were full of uncertainty, but this really is where I think I'm meant to be and so there's not even a question for me about whether I stay or you know, it's here.

Angela Tuell:

Yes, yes. And you've became an expert. I mean, that that so many turn to for your expertise there.

Lindsey Tramuta:

Well, it's, it definitely wasn't planned that way I will say that. And I, I mean, I'm always learning and I'm always exploring, but there but it really does feel nice to feel like I have an anchor.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah, yeah. So today, among other roles, you are a freelance travel and culture writer for top publications such as the New York Times, Conde Naste Traveler, Travel + Leisure, Bloomberg, I could go on. You know, could you tell us more about your current work?

Lindsey Tramuta:

Yeah, sure. I mean, I really pitch stories that have a strong human element, at least I try. So if there's a project that has, you know,

Angela Tuell:

Okay. whether it's a hotel or a destination, where there are people or a person that is sort of like really shaping that thing, whatever it might be, you know, that's usually where I first gravitate. Okay.

Lindsey Tramuta:

I struggle when it's just sort of like, you know, a nameless, big corporation that's behind something. You know, I like to really get a sense of like, what is this part of?

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

And, and also, you know, a lot of my work has with within Paris has been looking at its many evolutions. And, you know, there's sort of like endless things to say about that. But many of those changes have gone on to influence other parts of France. And so that, too, has opened up opportunities. And while I do write about other, you know, other countries and I have traveled well beyond France, French borders for stories, I think that human element or something related to sustainability, mindfulness, better, better living, better, better ways of traveling, those are the kinds of scenes that keep coming up no matter where I may be, and may be reporting.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah, I was going to ask that. Are you doing a lot of - are you doing a lot of reporting outside of Paris, France? Now, I mean, we can talk a little bit about I know you're covering the Olympics a lot. But are you doing much traveling currently?

Lindsey Tramuta:

Well, you know, I was before COVID. And I have to say that has slowed. Not because the opportunities have dwindled, but because I think my interest, I guess it's about being far away, or going a long distance for a short amount of time, I'm, I'm being more selective.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

Partially because of the environment, partially because, you know, limited time. And if it's somewhere I'm not really keen on, like, super excited about, about exploring or experiencing, you know, I'd rather let someone else do that. So I have to say I do more within France. But, you know, I've reported on things that don't require traveling anywhere, either. You know, like, I, I've done business stories that where it's just been about, you know, being connected to the right people and being able to report over the phone. And I like that balance, actually. But, you know, I think during COVID, I realized, when my husband and I were doing more traveling within France, because obviously, you know, we weren't super excited about the idea of going far. And it gave us a an opportunity to sort of rediscover what was right on our doorstep.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

And there's still so many places in this country that I have not experienced at all or properly or thoroughly. So I think that's, that's why I've stayed closer to home in, in recent years. But you know, before COVID, I had been to Botswana for a story, I had been to Lebanon for a story. One time I reported something from Greenville, South Carolina, but that's really rare. I mean, the USA is not my market whatsoever.

Angela Tuell:

Right. Okay. So I guess it really just depends. And then I you know, as you know, the media landscape is getting trickier and trickier. And so if going somewhere far away, that isn't necessarily 100% in my wheelhouse is difficult then to get coverage for then I'm, you know, I'm less inclined to commit because I don't want anyone to feel disappointed. Right, right, completely. Plus you do this for a living so you have to be able to write and have the income on stories as well.

Lindsey Tramuta:

Exactly, exactly. So, you know, I do other things. I do a little bit of brand consulting, and I do lead tours as as you know, which I do upon request. I mean, I really like the flexibility of juggling, you know, when I have a really busy month I won't accept anything, you know, outside of whatever my deadlines are. But getting out of getting away from my desk and off the computer is a very good way for me to try to build some sort of longevity because sitting for eight hours a day writing, as you know, on a computer is just physically very difficult.

Angela Tuell:

It is. Yeah.

Lindsey Tramuta:

So being out in a neighborhood and walking around and getting to meet travelers who are curious. That's like, that's the other part of this puzzle, I guess you could say that I really, really enjoy.

Angela Tuell:

Yes. So you also currently are writing a lot about the Olympics, right, as they're soon to be in Paris?

Lindsey Tramuta:

Oh, yes. Oh yes. We are now less than two months away, July 26. That all kicks off? It's, it's, it's been a lot. I mean, in some ways, you'd think that media outlets, you know, just woke up to the fact that there were the Olympics, because some of them, you know, requested stories very late in the game, all things considered. But then there are things that, you know, you really, within the Paris Organising Committee, they didn't even give access to journalists until, you know, the last couple of months. So it's basically been hit the ground running. And I'm again, I don't cover sports so I'm not, you know, following any of that element, necessarily. But there are, there are a number of topics that interests me very personally, because of, you know, the lack of too many new construction, new builds within the city. You know, reusing and repurposing a lot of structures, I think is very interesting. You know, some of the people who are behind making these events happen and come to life. And then also like, what this means for the city, economically, infrastructurally, socially. You know, so it's been quite, both disruptive and fascinating all at once.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah, and exciting. I know, I love seeing all the sites that we'll be watching on TV during the Olympics.

Lindsey Tramuta:

You will see some familiar spots for sure.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. So how can, you know, because this podcast is, has a lot of PR professionals as listeners, what is the best way that you like to be pitched stories, or how we can be the most helpful in doing you know, to help you do your job?

Lindsey Tramuta:

You know, I think I, the one thing that is kind of unfortunate, the number of emails I get, that are really not targeted. Someone will pitch me something that like I would never cover, and it's very easy, looking at my website, which is just my name. So it's also easy to find.

Angela Tuell:

Easy to find, right.

Lindsey Tramuta:

You know, things that I would never cover, whether it's product reviews, or a destination that I've literally never covered. And maybe it means that you need to make the case like very specifically. Like I know, you typically do France, I know you typically cover Europe or whatever it is. But make the case, if you think that I am particularly well suited for, you know, whatever, whatever topic it is in the travel space. So targeting is is good, because I think it makes both of our jobs easier. You don't waste your time on someone who literally is just either going to ignore because there's too many emails or, you know, is going to have to tell you no, and then I, you know, and then the writer might get frustrated, because it feels like, well, they don't even know what I actually write about.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

So there's that. And then I would say, like, really try to build a relationship, if something gets a no, once, that doesn't mean it'll be no forever, you know. But and this is true, even with French PRs that I that I work with, this is true for British PR people that I'm in touch with, you know, I think, like a no isn't a forever no. Just like for us with editors. It's not, you know, we pitch something and it might be a no for a particular reason. But that doesn't necessarily mean the next thing will be a no. So I think looking at it as, is in terms of relationship building might help even justify spending a little bit more time trying to really curate the pitches and the ideas and put together something thoughtful and it doesn't have to be long, you know.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

And then the last thing I'll say, and I think the the French PRs have been particularly late to this is not necessarily attaching big heavy files and not sending a WeTransfer that expires. But rather having a link if there are

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. images, you know, on Google Drive or Dropbox, because it does make it easier. And so I appreciate that because I think it just means, you know, inboxes don't get clogged and I'm not expected to download something that has an expiration date. Right. And sometimes the emails don't make don't make it, you know, they go to your spam when it has attachments. I feel like European PR, like you said, is a

Lindsey Tramuta:

Right, right. little more formal and has stayed more on the the, you know, just complete press release and, you know, that sort of thing. Yes, yes, definitely. And you know, and then they're also dealing with a lot of influencers.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

And so sometimes that spills over into the way that they're going to pitch journalists, which doesn't always mesh well. So I think it's just, I think it's just a question of remembering who you're talking to. And you know, we're all, we're all inundated. So whether it's you guys with your your clients, whether it's us with the pitches, and then you know, a million other things. Or editors, you know, it's like, if you want to capture someone's attention, you really got to, like, make sure every word is considered. And that's really time consuming, I know, because I feel it when I pitch. But I think when you know, it's like a blanket email with an update. Sometimes that's important. If you're, if you're representing I don't know, the Four Seasons in my city, and it's just sort of like a news blast.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

I'll probably notice it anyway, because it's my city. But if it's something else, you know, a sort of impersonal PR blast is not likely to sort of motivate a next step or ask questions.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah, that's great advice. So as we mentioned a little bit earlier, you are also the author of the best selling book, The New Paris, released in 2017, and the New Parisienne, The Women and Ideas Shaping Paris released in 2020, what was your experience, like becoming an author?

Lindsey Tramuta:

It's still pretty wild to me. And I know, you know, every, every time I get a bit frustrated that you know, something hasn't happened, or someone didn't see it, or whatever, I remember that I'm still in this, like, very small percentile of people in the world that have published a book.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

And I think that's - my best friend tries to, you know, remind me anytime I get too down in the dumps, and she's like, there's nothing that says you have to produce 100, Like, and my goal was never even to be an

Angela Tuell:

Yes, that's always a good thing. And they are right. Right. author, I thought it was completely out of reach, I didn't think it was even, you know, remotely possible. So already, you know, I like to just feel grateful for having beautiful books besides very informative. I love- I've got these opportunities. They're very challenging. I've learned a lot about the publishing industry, and how many transformations it itself is going under, is going through and continues to do so. But I like that it is a specific channel. It's a specific expression of my my work, but it doesn't have to be the only one. Previous generations might have thought like, well, this is the only way. You know, you work for one of them on my desk right now, especially if you you know, a newspaper, maybe there's a magazine, and you publish books. There wasn't the internet, there weren't podcasts, you know, there weren't all these other, yeah, these other opportunities. And I think, I think that creates a different kind of playing field. And it also means that you can reach people beyond these traditional methods. So I'm super happy to have done a couple of books, I have one that will come out next year, that's, I'm the writer on it. It isn't my wasn't my idea. But I'm happy to have, you know, been able to work on it. But you know, I'm also really happy that I have eggs in different baskets. like Paris want to know anything about Paris traveling there, just interested. What was your inspiration, and, you know, tell us a little bit more about them for listeners who are not familiar?

Lindsey Tramuta:

Well, so like I said before, you know, when I was writing, as a freelancer, a lot of what I was writing, in the beginning, was different stories pertaining to the way that Paris was changing. And it wasn't necessarily obvious that they were part of like these individual stories where, you know, signs of a really evolving city. But when I took a step back after a few years and thought about what I had been writing, and then I saw what kind of books were out there, I thought, there's nothing that really looks at all these different themes. Food, this like return of craftsmanship, this wave of so many people leaving, you know, corporate jobs and becoming entrepreneurs and building, you know, building brands, changes even in the urban fabric in Paris. And so I thought, maybe there's a way to put something together. And so The New Paris looks at that evolution, tries to get away from this idea that Paris is like a museum city that doesn't change. And it is meant to be a postcard for travelers, and that we should only focus on its most like, immaculate elements, which is what you know, a show like Emily in Paris would show you but the book was meant to say like, this city is incredible, for so many other reasons. And that includes like the fact that it's a living breathing city with problems. And that it's always been at various points in its history, kind of a pioneer within, within Europe or the Western world. And so I wanted to sort of highlight the ways in which the city was kind of reclaiming that in the 2010s. And then the second book was, you know, sort of an offshoot of that. I - what happens when you publish a book is like a first book is that you know, you're you're kind of thrust into the media landscape in a new way. And you're, you know, PR people will say, Oh,

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. you did this book, maybe you want to meet this person, and you're gonna start writing for these people. So, so I was able to meet interesting individuals doing things in Paris that, I don't know, I suddenly met and hadn't met before. And one of them was an architect, who is Lebanese, and has been involved in some truly unbelievable projects in Paris, including the complete design overhaul of this very historic, important hotel, and then also the restaurant in the Eiffel Tower. And, and so I, you know, I'm sitting in her office one day in 2017. And I'm thinking to myself, like this is a woman who wasn't even born here, who escaped war in Beirut, in Beirut, and, you know, pursued beauty and the arts, and I just found her so inspiring, and then thought, she's as much a Parisian as any of these awful stereotypes that are, you know, quite reductive, and like, why aren't we talking more about what a Parisian actually looks like? Instead of these, you know, cliched stories and media articles about like, oh, the Parisian like dresses well, and has some red lipstick, and does everything better than anybody, everybody else. Right. Is rude or uppity or that sort of thing.

Lindsey Tramuta:

Yeah. Or just that they're like, you know, they innately have better style, they appreciate fine things, and Americans are duds. You know, like all of this kind of, all of these kinds of stories that actually are really reductive. And so I thought, you know, maybe there's something to deconstruct here. And so, The New Parisiennne looks at the mythmaking of the Parisian woman, tries to sort of decipher it and talk about how you know how it's problematic. And not just for foreign women who look and aspire to the cities. But also to women who were born here who don't fit a mold that has, you know, been kind of painted as the only mold to fill. And then say, so then the book is like, Okay, well, here are 40 Something different women in different professions and from different backgrounds, we're really shaping the future of the city. And so So yeah, I think the city itself remains the through line, and I'm inspired by it, even when I'm frustrated by it. And there's so many fascinating people here. And I wanted to say there's a different way of looking at this city. And, you know, you can appreciate it as a traveler when by going under the surface and not just staying, you know, for the for the old, for the old stories, let's say.

Angela Tuell:

Right, and you highlight some of those in your podcast, we must, we must also talk about The New Paris. I loved listening to a lot of those before our trip as well. And hearing the amazing stories, a lot of them. Because I know it's not, it's not just focused at on travelers, and you can tell us a little bit more, you know, what the podcast is focused on. But I did like hearing those stories of the women. You know, before we before we came there. So tell us a little bit more about the podcast.

Lindsey Tramuta:

Well, that I started in 2017, shortly before the book came out, the first book came out because I thought, okay, podcasts are becoming a thing. Maybe this is a way that I can keep these conversations going in a different format. And you know, sometimes you don't want to have to transcribe an interview or do everything written. And if people are spending time listening to things, then then I should maybe experiment with that. With that kind of media and, or medium, sorry.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. And so that's what, that's why I did it. And now it's been eight seasons, I'm in eighth season. And, you know, I, I just published my 132nd episode, which you'd think like, oh, that's not actually that much.

Lindsey Tramuta:

But it you know, they take time, and, um,

Angela Tuell:

That's alot. you know, and sometimes you need a break. So yeah, but it's been, it's been such a cool experience. And because of that I've actually gotten other jobs. You know, like, I hosted a podcast for a brand, it was just a short term gig, but it was like, Okay, we've heard you on audio, we think you can do this. And then I've moderated talks for different brands, and you know, like their press conferences or special events. And so I didn't at all, imagine that there were these other applications are these other projects that can come out of this podcast that I don't make money from, by the way, like it really is just - You probably spend money on it. Right?

Lindsey Tramuta:

I mean it's like a personal branding tool.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

Right, for it further promotes the work that I'm trying to do and so I'm happy to do it. I have gotten a grant once and that was in in September. And so I did like this two part series on fashion and Paris's historic role in the modern fashion industry. And you know, how the, for the climate, it's not great, and how all these other things are, anyway, just sort of like a, like a look at a very specific facet of Paris and this industry and I thought it was really, really enriching. And I had more means because I got a grant to be able to, you know, put something together that's a little bit more involved. But ordinarily, I do, you know, straight interview, it's a conversation, and I like that it's not too frilly. It, it's, it should be quite relaxed.

Angela Tuell:

Yes. Well, we will link to that in your books and articles in our show notes, everyone listening can can definitely find them. And I did want to mention, because we talked about briefly to the food tours, you said, it's really, you know, based on availability, that sort of thing, not a regular ongoing offering. But tell us a little bit more about that, for those who are listening and, you know, want to learn, want to visit Paris and learn from the very best on the culinary right now.

Lindsey Tramuta:

That's so kind. Well, so the tour is essentially, it's not just food, as you know, like, there's, there's, you know, we talked about some neighborhood elements, we there storytelling, there's, you know, for for those who are interested in this, I can take them into certain shops as well. And but all of it fits sort of the umbrella idea of the new Paris, like how the city has changed how these places that we go to are part of this sort of modern, modern experience, are part of, you know, like a return of people doing really artisanal things. And, and so they're kind of it's kind of a mix of both books, in some ways. You know, when if, if a tour happens on a day where this particular person I know is going to be in their shop, then you know, that means that maybe they'll even meet someone who I've written about. But otherwise, the idea is really sort of, let's have a let's have a conversation about Paris today. And, you know, especially for people who have been to Paris before, I think it's also good to go a bit deeper, and then let's try something, then you can get a flavor for like, you know, what is old and new, and how do they come together. And, and I think it's, like I said, it's a good way for me also to get off the computer and stay fresh.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

And I really, you know, the element I've loved, from the moment the first book came out, was getting to meet people. So meet readers talk to readers. And so a tour is essentially like, even if they haven't read my books, it's like, if they know me at all, or they followed some facet of what I do, then it's like getting to hang out with people who are curious. And that's great. So yeah, I do it upon request. But you know, like, in the last couple of months, I've done a bunch.

Angela Tuell:


Lindsey Tramuta:

But there are some months will like the Olympics, there won't be any, because it's a bit complicated. But, you know, come between September and December, like, that's also a good period, and there are people who are here, so I'm always happy to do that. And, you know, you never know.

Angela Tuell:

Yes, and they're fantastic. And you really do learn a lot in a fun way. And even my kids, children on it, as you know, and they learned a lot as well.

Lindsey Tramuta:

Well, that's great. That's all I can hope for really.

Angela Tuell:

So I can't, we can't go without me asking you what are some of your favorite things to do in Paris? Now? I'm sure that changes and evolves. But as of right now, what would you recommend to others?

Lindsey Tramuta:

It really does. And I think, you know, in this particular moment, anybody's who's who's coming between well

Angela Tuell:

Okay. now and start of the Olympics, like, you know, if you're not

Lindsey Tramuta:

And then it will be shut for a certain going to be partaking in the Olympics, then like hanging out in the areas that are not where there aren't going to be competition. So like the Canal Saint Martin off time is great, that's over by Knee. That's, you know, they're wonderful restaurants that are gonna stay open all summer. And you have a canal and you can walk and stroll and there are few cars now so that's good, there's more of a pedestrian friendly sort of vibe. I'd say you know, go down to the Seine that's always I like being by bodies of water so the Seine will be a bit tricky when the Olympics start but for now, it's still very possible to go and explore. And up until I want to say a week before the Olympics you can still take one of the boat rides on the on the water. amount of time. And what else - go to the, go to the parks - wonder. I mean, I think Paris is sort of at its best when you're, you're not going from like, Okay, we have to hit this, we do this, we do this, you really should explore and be a little bit more nimble. You know, go into stores you weren't expecting to come across. Go to a whole different neighborhood to eat a couple of meals. You know, neighborhoods that might be far from where you're staying but are worth the journey. And don't hem yourself into any sort of checklist. So I think that would be unfortunate.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. And that's hard to do now not, not plan a trip as much. It's a little, it's a little harder to do, but it's, but it definitely, it turns out well, when you don't.

Lindsey Tramuta:

Go to - one thing you could do is pick a neighborhood you're going to explore per day. And then, you know, don't over plan it, you know, have some loose, loose plans, maybe one restaurant that's already booked for the day, but not you know, every meal. And then in between, you know, you just sort of wander. I mean, this is like the best city for wandering.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah, that's great advice. How can our listeners connect with you online?

Lindsey Tramuta:

So you can find me very easily. On Instagram. It's my name @LindseyTramuta, you can find my website, And I have a newsletter called The New Paris Dispatch, which is on sub sub stack. And that also is sort of like updates, stories, occasionally, some events, event updates, and also links back to the podcast, which is also called The New Paris.

Angela Tuell:

Wonderful. Thank you so much, Lindsay. This has been fantastic.

Lindsey Tramuta:

Well, thank you for having me.

Angela Tuell:

That's all for this episode of Media in Minutes, a podcast by Communications Redefined. Please take a moment to rate, review and subscribe to our show. We'd love to hear what you think. You can find more at I'm your host, Angela Tuell. Talk to you next time.