Media in Minutes

Lauren Breedlove: NYC based Travel Writer and Photographer

December 01, 2022 Angela Tuell Season 2 Episode 24
Lauren Breedlove: NYC based Travel Writer and Photographer
Media in Minutes
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Media in Minutes
Lauren Breedlove: NYC based Travel Writer and Photographer
Dec 01, 2022 Season 2 Episode 24
Angela Tuell

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Angela gets to chat with Lauren about backup plans, chasing dreams, and pursuing passions.  Throw in some epic adventures, dive bars, and funky festivals…you’ll be ready for Girl Wanderlist.

Follow Lauren’s work here:

Fishing with Hands in Greenland:
Herding Sheep Switzerland:
Eating thru Slovenia: Hiking with goats in Austria: Coworking in Valley:
Hot Air Balloons in Cappadocia, Turkey: Dogsledding in Alaska:
Swim with pigs in Bahamas:
Road trip New Zealand:
Float plane camping Adirondacks:
Hiking Faroe Islands:
African Safari:
Lobster Festival in Maine:
Woodsman Field Days:
Roscoe Fly Fishing Capital:
Your Shot Community – National Geographic:

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Show Notes Transcript

Send us a Text Message.

Angela gets to chat with Lauren about backup plans, chasing dreams, and pursuing passions.  Throw in some epic adventures, dive bars, and funky festivals…you’ll be ready for Girl Wanderlist.

Follow Lauren’s work here:

Fishing with Hands in Greenland:
Herding Sheep Switzerland:
Eating thru Slovenia: Hiking with goats in Austria: Coworking in Valley:
Hot Air Balloons in Cappadocia, Turkey: Dogsledding in Alaska:
Swim with pigs in Bahamas:
Road trip New Zealand:
Float plane camping Adirondacks:
Hiking Faroe Islands:
African Safari:
Lobster Festival in Maine:
Woodsman Field Days:
Roscoe Fly Fishing Capital:
Your Shot Community – National Geographic:

Thank you for listening!  Please take a moment to rate, review and subscribe to the Media in Minutes podcast here or anywhere you get your podcasts:

Angela Tuell:

Welcome to Media in Minutes. This is your host Angela Tuell. This podcast features in-depth interviews with those reports on the world around us. They share everything from their favorite stories to what happened behind the lens and give us a glimpse into their world. From our studio here at Communications Redefined, this is Media in Minutes. Today we're talking with Lauren Breedlove. Lauren is a freelance writer, travel photographer and the girl behind Lauren writes and contributes photography for publications like Travel + Leisure, AFAR, Thrillist, Matador Network, Roadtrippers, Travel Pulse, and many more. She has traveled to more than 40 countries where you can usually find her getting up for sunrise, embarking on outdoor exploits, attending quirky festivals and wandering streets with her camera in hand. Hi, Lauren. I'm excited to talk with you today.

Lauren Breedlove:

Hey, Angela, I'm excited to chat to you. Thanks so much for having me.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah, I hear you have a little bit of jet lag. You just got back from Africa.

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, just slightly jet lagged. But it was totally worth it.

Angela Tuell:

What'd you do?

Lauren Breedlove:

I actually went to Botswana. And had I went on my first safari. So I just took photos for nine days straight.

Angela Tuell:

What was the most amazing thing you saw?

Lauren Breedlove:

Oh, gosh, I don't know. I'm obsessed with giraffe. So I would say probably the mom and baby giraffe are a highlight. But pretty much like every day was just amazing wildlife viewing.

Angela Tuell:

Oh, that's amazing. So you know, I was looking through your LinkedIn profile. And I saw you started your career as a preschool teacher. So being a writer wasn't always your goal?

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, I mean, actually, teaching was never really my goal to be honest. It was more of a backup. I was a dual major. I did theater and elementary education. And then I moved to the city after college to pursue the whole acting thing.

Angela Tuell:

I got it. So you were doing that while you were going into acting?

Lauren Breedlove:

Yep. Yep, definitely.

Angela Tuell:

So how did you go from that to travel writing?

Lauren Breedlove:

Well, long story short, I did both the acting and teaching for a handful of years. And while I was doing that, I was taking some writing classes, you know, in the evenings. And doing photography, just for fun as like a creative outlet. And then I ended up spending a summer teaching in Italy in Tuscany. And then after that kind of just completely decided to pivot and change careers. I just felt like, I really just wanted to do something I was passionate about. So I started just figuring out the whole freelancing thing and and trying to break into the writing and photography world.

Angela Tuell:

Wow. And since then, you've traveled to more than 40 countries where you've done everything from fishing with your hands in Greenland, to herding sheep in Switzerland, eating your way through Slovenia, hiking with goats in Austria and co working in Valley just to name a few. What have been some of your favorite adventures?

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, I've definitely had some wild adventures. I guess. Geez, there's so many but hot air ballooning in Cappadocia Turkey was definitely an adventure, especially because I'm afraid of heights.

Angela Tuell:


Lauren Breedlove:

And then I've been dogsledding in Alaska, swimming with the pigs in the Bahamas, road tripping New Zealand, float plane camping in the Adirondacks. Oh hiking in the Faroe Islands. And then obviously, most recently, I just went on my first African Safari.

Angela Tuell:

How many - so how many years has it been since you started the travel writing?

Lauren Breedlove:

Oh, um, I guess it's been like seven and a half years now.

Angela Tuell:

Okay. Okay. And how have you done it all? I mean, do you usually in hosted trips?

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, they're usually hosted. But if there's a destination that I'm particularly interested in going, I have no problem reaching out. And, you know, just seeing if it's a possibility to work together.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. Oh, that's great. You mentioned that you like to attend cookie festivals. And I know, we talked about that a little bit with Peru. What was the most or what has been the most memorable festival you've been to?

Lauren Breedlove:

Um, you know, now that I think about it, I feel like I need to get to more weird festivals. But definitely the lobster festival in Maine was a really fun one. I actually even got to be in the parade randomly.

Angela Tuell:

Really? How did that happen?

Lauren Breedlove:

Well, I might have emailed them. My whole blog list, which I know we're probably going to chat about later, but so yeah, it was part of part of checking off that list. And then I've just also been to cream cheese festival. And closer to home. There's a festival called called the Woodsman's field days, which is basically just a big lumberjack competition, which is super fun.

Angela Tuell:

Okay, and you're in the New York area, right?

Lauren Breedlove:

Yep. I'm in upstate New York.

Angela Tuell:

Okay. Okay. So how do you prefer to experience a new destination?

Lauren Breedlove:

Um, really the few things that I almost always do are get up to photograph sunrise at least once during the trip. And then I'll do like either a hike or a walk. And then I always try the local beer. Because usually that's where you're getting like a glimpse into everyday life, and you can interact with locals. And I just think it's a good way to kind of get situated in a new place.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah, that's a great tips for any of us traveling. I love those. So how did you break into you know, you said you started pitching. But how did you break into writing for some of the top travel publications in the industry? I mean like Travel + Leisure, AFAR, Thrillist, Matador Network you've written for them all.

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, it was definitely it was not easy. It was a lot of like, just reading those publications all the time and research and just literally pitching pitching because it I feel like it's really tricky not to get down on yourself in this industry. It's just, you know, you're dealing with a lot of rejection and competition. And yeah, you know, it, but you just really have to just keep pitching solid ideas. Try to think of things that haven't necessarily been done at all. Or maybe that way, like, add your own little twist on it. And really just read, I think reading is like the key thing.

Angela Tuell:

Sure. What type of stories are your favorite to write? Like, I know you I know you love random adventures, offbeat destinations, and dive bars are some of the things you've mentioned. But what are your favorite to write?

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, I do love all those things. I think it's fun to share about unexpected places and hidden gems. And obviously, the more random the adventure, the better in my eyes. But I really like writing narrative style guide pieces that kind of like mix up the firsthand experience, and a story with actionable information for the reader so that they can plan a similar adventure. And then I also just really, really enjoy doing photo essays, because I think visual pieces can be, you know, really powerful in stories.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah. Yeah, that's probably really helpful with the publications that you're a photographer as well.

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, I mean, I think it definitely gives me a little bit of a leg up to be able to provide, you know, original imagery, as well as the text. So yeah.

Angela Tuell:

How do you typically find your stories?

Lauren Breedlove:

Oh, I don't know that there's a rhyme or reason to how I find my stories. You know, I think everybody has their method. But typically, I think it's smart to kind of explore and discover your angle when you're in the destination and really immersed in it. I like to see just kind of what strikes me while I'm there. You know, usually it'll be based on like, a random conversation or, or something that I just didn't really expect, like, there was this one time I was on a weekend road trip just for fun in my home state of New York. And I passed by this really small town called Roscoe and the there sign says trout town, USA. It's the fly fishing capital of the country. And I was like, what I need to know about this one. Then, you know, I did some research and got things organized. Couple months later, I'm fly fishing in the river there with a professional guide and writing a guide to visiting and I think is probably one of my all time favorite pieces.

Angela Tuell:

What was, and who is that for?

Lauren Breedlove:

That was for Thrillist.

Angela Tuell:

Okay, great. We'll have to link to it in our show notes for sure. And, you know, you mentioned that, or we talked a little bit about that you're not only a writer, but you are also a travel photographer, and that your work has been featured in various gallery shows in both print and digital magazines. And you even won an editor's award and National Geographics Travel Photographer of the Year contest for your photo, Lady Havana. Describe that to us what happened?

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, um, I would say photography is pretty much just as big as the writing aspect for me, okay. Like I had always enjoyed taking photos. But Lady Havana was definitely the jumping off point for that part of my career. I was in Cuba for a long weekend trip with my cousin and some friends and we're doing this walking tour of Old Havana and I saw this woman, Lady Havana who I gave that name randomly. And she's sitting in front of a building with this bright yellow background. And I just it's it totally struck me and I wanted to take her portrait, but I was nervous about approaching her and I also didn't have any change to offer her. So my friend encouraged me and she's like, just take, you know, take this change, ask her, you have to do it. And so I did. And she agreed to take take the photo and posed with a cigar. And then a few months later, I posted it in your shot community on National Geographic and submitted it to the contest. And I think it was literally the next day it had pretty much gone viral and ended up winning. The editors have already mentioned and it was shortlisted for the contest. And then it was just like on their homepage and their Twitter to publish an icon magazine. I just, it blew my mind like I couldn't believe it.

Angela Tuell:

Wow, that's amazing. So we can find it on their website to share, right?

Lauren Breedlove:

If you Google lady Havana National Geographic, she's on there.

Angela Tuell:

Oh, that's wonderful. And you are also the founder of How did that come about?

Lauren Breedlove:

Um, yeah, it was pretty much came from when I realized I wanted to change careers. I knew I needed some sort of published, you know, portfolio to able to kick off my career. So I came up with this idea to travel all over while checking off 32 random things in a list. So I did it. I started it when I turned 31. And I had to finish went before my 32nd birthday. So one year, and then I was writing the stories of kind of what happened when I attempted to check all of them off. And then from then it just kind of led to doing listicle type pieces, like five cozy cabins in upstate New York and stuff like that. I just think that they're easy to read and easy to plan from so it drives traffic to the blog.

Angela Tuell:

Yes, and that they are so popular in all, you know, travel outlets too. It's just something that people, like you said, people enjoy the look at and read, where the 32 things specific to where they would happen, or just things you're going to do?

Lauren Breedlove:

Nope, they were totally open. So one of them was hold a baby goat, which really fun, so many places. And I ended up doing. I did a road trip with my mom to Virginia. Okay, I'm in upstate New York to go to this farm that had advertised that they needed cuddlers for their baby goats. And so that was, you know, the one random thing for that story.

Angela Tuell:

Yes. Oh, my goodness, I did a lot of those turn into stories for other outlets too.

Lauren Breedlove:

Um, actually, no and I'm ashamed that I'm saying the all of the stories that came from it, because I mean, 32 was a lot. And then I guess just doing all the other, you know, regular work kind of took over. But

Angela Tuell:

Yeah, ones you're not getting paid for right away, sort of thing. Yeah. So did you add to the list? Or that's kind of been the one thing that year, and you'll continue to write some of those?

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, that's, that's exactly it, I think. I need to catch up on those. But I still have that, that adventurous spirit to do random, random things like that, and just see what comes of it.

Angela Tuell:

I love that. So I have to ask you about working with PR professionals, of course. What are your relationships like with PR? And how can we best help you do your job?

Lauren Breedlove:

I mean, I've always really enjoyed working with PR professionals. I particularly love when you guys understand both the client and the writers end of things. I think that's super helpful. And I just think it's a great resource to get the information we need for stories, but also to advocate for us when we're on the ground. Yeah. Yeah, so I mean, I've always had a really, really great experience.

Angela Tuell:

Do you have any pet peeves of PR professionals?

Lauren Breedlove:

Um, I think probably the main one that comes to mind is just when I get the PR pitch emails about things that I've literally never written about, nor do I have, like, random pet products or traveling with little kids like I don't have either of those.

Angela Tuell:

Right, those are neither things that typically travel solo.

Lauren Breedlove:

Um, I think it's a mix. So you know, on press trips, I love the social aspect of traveling with other writers, but I also do a lot of individual or solo trips, and then, you know, sometimes with friends or my boyfriend, and I, I personally have no problem traveling solo, but I think it just enhances the experience if you're with, you know, people that you enjoy traveling with.

Angela Tuell:

Yeah, you know, I find a mix of writers liking the press trips together with others and liking ones where they're out on their own. Like, I feel like there's such a divide. I don't know, you know, which which one you prefer, because a lot of times as long I feel like as long as it's a structured one, you know, if you're with others, but you can kind of go and do what's your passion and what you're thinking of maybe. Is that kind of what you prefer?

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, I think I like a mix of both. But I think that it totally depends on the destination. And and kind of the story I'm hoping to get because a lot of times, like the group press trips are pretty nonstop, which is you're doing a lot of things, but it also leaves not a lot of free time to, you know, go out and do photography things or, you know, imbalance on an angle that you might have come up with. So

Angela Tuell:


Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, I think there's pros and cons to both for sure.

Angela Tuell:

So you mentioned Africa, what else are you currently working on or planning for the near future?

Lauren Breedlove:

Well, once I'm done sorting through the millions of photos I took.

Angela Tuell:


Lauren Breedlove:

So I'm actually going on vacation in a week, like a real vacation where I don't plan on working at all. Oh, if I know how to do that.

Angela Tuell:


Lauren Breedlove:

It's been almost 10 years actually. So pretty excited about that.

Angela Tuell:

And where are you going?

Lauren Breedlove:

So we're actually going to Croatia and Slovenia. Wow. Gold Coast, coastal exploration and then some hiking in Slovenia.

Angela Tuell:

Oh, that's great. Yeah, but you don't even know how to not work. I mean, that's one thing with travel writers, it seems like such an amazing career. And, you know, many people are jealous of it, that sort of thing. But it's also work. I mean you are in these amazing places, but you're constantly thinking of what you can what the next photo is what you're going to write about interviewing people.

Lauren Breedlove:

Exactly. Yeah, it's hard to turn that off. But I mean, don't get me wrong. I love my job so.

Angela Tuell:

Not gonna complain, right? Definitely. You know, a couple of fun facts I found about you that you mentioned you have a black belt in Taekwondo, which is amazing. And that you thrive on grilled cheese. I need to know a little bit more about that. Is there a story there?

Lauren Breedlove:

I mean, who doesn't love cheese? Right?

Angela Tuell:

Right, right.

Lauren Breedlove:

Yeah, I'll pretty much never say no to a good grilled cheese. i It's a staple food in my diet for sure.

Angela Tuell:

Do you like the artesian ones that are have you know, Brie or apples? Or do you like the traditional?

Lauren Breedlove:

I love both. But I definitely gravitate towards like just that classic diner grilled cheese. That is white bread with American cheese. I know that's so ridiculous but I don't - there's just something comforting about it.

Angela Tuell:


Lauren Breedlove:

And the Taekwondo. I actually got a black belt when I was 12. I had that sense for four years and my parents wouldn't let me quit until I got my black belt.

Angela Tuell:


Lauren Breedlove:

Looking back, I think it was obviously a good lesson. And it's obviously it's also a popular talking point or conversation starter.

Angela Tuell:

Yes. Do you still remember everything? Could you -

Lauren Breedlove:

I guess I could probably pull out a roundhouse kick. But that's about it.

Angela Tuell:

it's great. That might come in hopefully does it come in handy in your travels, but cross? Right. You also mentioned do the dive bars. Are there any best ones we should, you know, make sure to hit it our next travels that come to mind?

Lauren Breedlove:

Oh, yeah, definitely. So if you're ever in Homer, Alaska, I would say hit the Salty Dog. And it's it's definitely an iconic bar. I wrote about it for Thrillist as well. Okay. And then the Dirty Dove in Portland, Maine is kind of a newer, and it's marketed as a caviar dive bar. So and that's how I'm gonna leave it like I think you just have to go to understand.

Angela Tuell:

Okay, wonderful. So how can guests connect with you online?

Lauren Breedlove:

I would say definitely, Instagram is probably the best all around way. My handle's Girl Wander List like Wanderlust but list at the end. And then obviously, you can pop over to my website, which is just and head to the published page to read some of my work.

Angela Tuell:

Great. We can't wait to continue to follow all your adventures.

Lauren Breedlove:

Thank you.

Angela Tuell:

That's all for this episode of Media in Minutes, a podcast by Communications Redefined. Please take a moment to rate, review and subscribe to our show. We'd love to hear what you think. You can find more at I'm your host, Angela Tuell. Talk to you next time.